Mix baby oil and cloves, and after 10 seconds you will never use anything else in your life.


If you are looking for a natural and effective alternative to protect yourself from annoying mosquitoes and other insects, making a homemade repellent using baby oil and cloves can be an excellent option.

Both baby oil and cloves are safe and easily available ingredients, making them a practical solution for keeping unwanted bugs at bay.

In this guide, you will learn how to combine these ingredients to create a homemade repellent that will allow you to enjoy the outdoors without worries.

On the one hand, we have baby oil that acts as a gentle and nourishing base for the skin, while cloves provide natural repellent properties that help keep flying insects away.

Keep reading to discover the recipe and how to apply this homemade repellent, which will provide you with effective and safe protection against insect bites, allowing you to enjoy nature without interruptions.

Let’s do it!


1 Container with a dropper (preferably dark glass)

35 ml. Baby oil (whatever we have at home or olive oil)

6 Cloves

Preparation mode


1 Container with a dropper (preferably dark glass)

35 ml. Baby oil (whatever we have at home or olive oil)

6 Cloves

Preparation mode

First, place the baby oil in a container over low heat, just heat it without boiling.

Next step, we add the cloves and let it cool to room temperature.

Once it has cooled, we proceed to add it to the jar to let it rest for approximately 10 to 15 days in a cool, dark place.

Finally, when the resting times are over, it is strained and it is ready to combat mosquitoes.

You can now apply it in the environments where mosquitoes begin to invade and scare them away forever!


Proper preparation:  Be sure to use baby oil without fragrance or additives, as some additional ingredients may not be as effective as the simple baby oil base. Cloves can be whole or ground, but if they are ground, they will mix more easily with the oil.

Proportions: It is not necessary to use a large amount of cloves; a small amount may be enough. Approximately 6 cloves per 50 or 60 ml of baby oil are usually enough, but you can adjust the amount according to your preferences.

Infusion: To enhance the repellent effect of cloves, you can gently heat the baby oil with cloves in a pot or in the microwave. Heat them over low heat for a few minutes and then let the mixture cool before using.

Application to exposed areas: Apply the homemade repellent to exposed areas of skin, such as arms and legs. Avoid contact with eyes, mouth and open wounds.

Re-application: Unlike commercial repellents that usually last longer, homemade repellents can lose effectiveness more quickly. Reapply the remedy every 1-2 hours, especially if you are sweating or in contact with water.

Complement with other measures: Although the home remedy can be useful, it is advisable to complement it with other measures to scare away mosquitoes, such as the use of mosquito nets, protective clothing and avoiding insect-prone areas.

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